Blended Learning

Blended learning (BL) combines traditional learning with e-learning components. I think this is a good concept. Since pure e-learning obviously has some drawbacks it can be used additionally to support learning in any kind.


CSCL - Computer supported collaborative learning. Well, basically this describes ways on how to learn and work in a group with the help of the computer. The social aspect can quickly fade away, mostly depending on the system used. For example moodle offers a more personal environment than trac.

The basics of E-Learning

Setting up an E-Learning course includes a lot of tasks. A major task is the planning before actually realising the project. Very often the planning part is kept to short or even worse completely forgotten. Before implementing an E-Learning course with certain software and hardware, it is essential to plan and pre-evaluate every detail. The… Continue reading The basics of E-Learning

Learning Environments

Talking about LE (Learning Environment) in connection with technology, meaning software, it seem to be very difficult to find one application which can be used for all learning tasks. Besides this difficulty, I think it is wrong to try to take one application for all possible tasks. For example a web browser should be used… Continue reading Learning Environments

Learning objectives

Learning objectives are actually quite trivial things. Well, as the term already says, that objectives are goals. Goals of what the learner will learn or will be able of after a certain course. Although this is indeed something quite simple it is very helpful, for the learner and teacher. If learning goals are set up… Continue reading Learning objectives